A wonderful day with mom coming back, and to add to the excitement, a nomination for the Liebster Award, by Dorian's Hand Blog. This is an award given to new bloggers, by fellow bloggers who enjoy their content and want to recognize it. As we are 3, mom, dad and son, contributing to the blog, we should all give each other a hug on each one's contribution and in a choir we thank Dorian and mum for nominating us.
We love reading their blog as we can recognize so much of what is happening in our house. Please do yourself a favor and visit Dorian's Hand here:
There are rules to accepting this award, something the 3rd member and smallest, in our choir, do not yet really understand. They are:
1. Thank the Liebster Award presenter who nominated you and link back to his or her blog.
2. Post 11 facts about yourself, answer the 11 questions you were asked and create 11 questions for your nominees.
3. Nominate small (no more than 200 followers) blogs who you feel deserve to be noticed and leave a comment on their blog letting them know that they have been chosen.
4. Display the Liebster Award logo.
5. No tag-backs, meaning you can’t just re-nominate the person who nominated you.
11 Facts about us, from the youngest point of view.1. I love kiddies programming on the TV, mom and dad tapes for me, but I really love advertising and stop everything to watch it.
2. Our first language is Afrikaans. Daddy says that is why he sometimes struggle with word spelling.
3. Daddy loves succulent plants, he has (had) more than I could ever count, but some must be on holiday, because daddy says they left for a better place due to lack of time we spend with them.
4. Mom is a food technologist and seems to know a lot more about all things food than daddy. He always uses food mommy prepared in advance.
5. We live in South Africa, mommy says it is the last country on the tip of Africa.
6. I am an only child, mommy says she was one too, and it means I am loved so much they do not want more, or it means I will get more presents. Mostly they say I was a special gift.
7. Daddy has a degree in Genetics and Animal Physiology. He says it will help when he teaches me about nature and biology one day.
8. I like throwing stuff, anything, but round things especially, to chase and throw again.
9. Daddy says, I have the combined names of his daddy and brother. Luckily it is just 2 names.
10. I like to sleep, but I prefer to sleep in mommy or daddy's arms, at least until I am asleep, which they let me do once in a while.
11. Mom and Dad says I am a perfect mixture of them and our family as a whole, I even have Grandpa's ears, wonder what he uses?
The 11 answers to questions given:
1. What is your favorite thing about nature? Peacefulness, being in the moment.
2. What do you still do to play? Daddy swings me round and round, I love that and he seems like it too.
3. What family member changed your life the most? Mom and Daddy says it was me, I say it was them!
4. What is your favorite food? Fruity custard after dinner!
5. If you could go back as a kid, what is the first thing you would do? Hmm, I am still not a kid!? Dad says he would go play with Grandpa by the beach, which they did a lot.
6. What is your favorite book ever? Moms and their babies (animals) with windows to slide.
7. Where have you traveled? Mom can take this one, Vietnam, UK, Nepal, China and many, many other countries.
8. Who is your favorite children's character? The bunnies!
9. Who is your hero? Dads
10. Who was the teacher that made the biggest difference in your life? Dad says his language teacher, because he cannot spell correctly and makes up his own idioms, because he does not know the correct ones! Mom loves it and laughs a lot at dad.
11. What is your favorite post from your blog? The history in a chair!
We would like to nominate the following blogs: (We have been blogging for a short period and still finding blogs daily which we love.)
1. http://atrampinthewoods.wordpress.com/
Dean takes you on magical view of plants and animals with nice commentary to go. Nice read and eye candy.
2. http://dorneawhale.wordpress.com/
Dorne is a writer. I love reading her posts, easy reading, combination of funny and serious.
3. http://nowimamother.wordpress.com/
Brand new, but like it enough to have already made a comment. Support new contributors in parent world!
4. http://gregjoder.wordpress.com/
My earth, newish to us, but like the way he does it and nice change of pace, great for nature lovers.
Here are our questions to the nominees:
1. What is your favorite fruit?
2. What is your favorite thing to do on holiday?
3. If you could choose, who would you like to be for a day and why?
4. If finance was not an issue, where would you like to go?
5. Why do you blog?
6. What type of novel is your favorite?
7. Which family member had the biggest influence on your life?
8. What is the one thing or person you cannot be without?
9. What is your favorite animal or plant?
10. What hobby would you love to do, but do not have time or the knowledge currently?
11. What is your favorite post from your blog?
To all the nominees, WE love your blogs and wish you all the best in future blogging. We will be there to read. Thanks again to Dorian and her mom! You have a great blog, which we follow with great interest.