We decided to make this a regular type post as a way of remembering everything. Have you noticed parents seem to get amnesia the older they and their children get? They seem to forget the not so good parts totally with age, which is totally understandable, I guess but interesting non-the-less. Early years especially! Most of us do not remember our early years, seems like nobody else (family) remembers it too.
We are not going to do best of or top ten scenario either, not fair in this context. Just mentioning a few things in our experience. Join in with comments if you like. It is a fun exercise.
The Good
One of the best moments to talk about is when you are about to put your baby to sleep or when he sometimes wakes crying and you pick him up and put him on your shoulder. In the first months this is seen as bonding and importance thereof has been written about, but as time marches on and we run around playing, feeding, bathing and all the other activities you do in a day, this becomes rare chances to take a breath.
Every now and then, within a day, you get the chance to sit in the rocking chair, with his head on your shoulder, falling asleep or being half asleep after he woke from a nap, and in that moment, all is quiet, you hear his calm breathing and you know he wants to be only there and nowhere else, his safe and warm place. You also do not want to be anywhere else, you cannot think of anything better - total bliss - you give him a little soft squeeze (baby hug). A truly special moment!
The not so good
If anyone tell you getting up in the middle of the night, multiple times, for whatever reason, was fun, they are liars! When the little alarm goes off, from the crib, you look at each other in the hopes that one would take charge. I am a light sleeper, so it usually ends up being me (shame), but mom does try to do her bit, to her credit, mentally charging herself before bed, and then when the little alarm goes, all hell breaks out in bed, with the duvet suddenly being airborne, mom charging off, halfway realizing she is going the wrong way, changing lanes, missing the furniture by millimeters, all before she really opened her eyes, saying as she nearly leaves the bedroom, "I'll go!", leaving me in pieces, cold and wide awake in any case.
While this is funny, in one sense, we were very happy when he decided to give us a break and slept through the night, around his 4th or so month. I should also mention that after ascertaining the cause of the unhappiness, being hunger, nappy, winds, sounds and so forth, we are right back at "the good"!
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