We love going on holiday in secluded spots where we can do our own thing. Some of the reasons why we like it, includes being able to spend quality time together, our love for the open spaces, love for nature and for the first 14 years we had a German Shepard, our first baby, who, I am proud to say, went everywhere with us, except for 2 weeks of her life. She died of a stroke in my arms, while in her bed, next to ours. Gone, but never far from our minds.
One of these places is a farm near the town of Bethulie in the Free State province of South Africa. The farm-house was ours for the duration, the owner having another house on another part of the farm.
From this base we visited attractions, like the reserves in the region, but mainly stayed on the farm, relaxed and took long walks, looking for birds, plants and animals.
Bethulie, about 20 km away, is a small town, with lots of history in South African Boer War, being the location of a large concentration camp.
Bethulie The area is also mainly summer rainfall area, we visited in Spring, after the cold frosty winter and before the real rainfall started. Places like these are so special to us. You leave your home with music and excitement, and when you arrive, your ears ring, because they are used to all types of noises, but after a few days, the ringing stops, and its replaced by birds and silence. Recovery has started, call it rehab for the soul if you like. At the end you go back, slightly sad, humbled and quiet. We rarely play music on the way back, rather keep talking and listening to each other and the fun experiences we just had. I will finish the post with more photographs, but no words, just enjoy!
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