Sunday, 13 July 2014

White-faced Duck (Dendrosygna viduata)

Found throughout Africa, south of the Sahara, except a few drier areas like Namibia and Northern Cape province of South Africa.

Chestnut brown color with diagnostic white face and they stand very erect.06-Birds, White-faced Whistling duck (11) 05-Birds, White-faced Whistling duck (9)They also have fine barred flanks, which can only be seen close-up.

Beautiful duck and at the time we saw them, we also saw a little meet and greet as 2 ducks met up with a third.

09-DSC_0021 10-DSC_0022 11-DSC_0023 12-DSC_0027Unfortunately I was not able to get nice pics on the point and shoot when I saw one on the water, but still makes a nice scene.

04-Birds, White-faced Whistling duck (5) 03-Birds, White-faced Whistling duck (4) 02-Birds, White-faced Whistling duck (3)Some Previous birding post:

Pale-chanting Goshawk

Cape Spurfowl

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