Tuesday, 15 July 2014

Red-billed Quelea (Quelea quelea)

Fairly common quelea, in fact the most abundant of the queleas in Africa, south of the Sahara.

Adult males have distinctive red bill and black face when breeding, while females have yellowish bill in breeding. Behind the black face there are 3 morphological variations with some males being pinkish or yellow, even a version with white face.

I pictured them in the Northern Cape, one early cold-ish morning and on another occasion on the Garden route bathing.

The Northern Cape group/flock.

2-2010_01290040 1-2010_01290037 The group on the Garden route taking a bath.

4-DSCF5998 5-DSCF5999 6-DSCF6002Busy little birds, up and down, up and down....nervous.

Previous bird post White-faced Duck