Sunday, 4 May 2014

All ten toes!

Boeta was born on the 4th of June 2013. He came as a surprise about 3 weeks early. Announced his intentions around 2 am in the morning.

[caption id="attachment_15" align="alignnone" width="298"]peanut%2036%20weke Last 3-d picture before he was born[/caption]

At 6 am precisely he was born, to a very proud mom and dad. And yes, we made sure he had all ten fingers, toes and everything else was where it is supposed to be. There was some concern about his lungs, being a little early, but that was dispelled on birth with a strong immediate cry, the most wonderful sound for any parent. It just wakes up a whole new world of emotions, very difficult to explain to the uninitiated.

[caption id="attachment_16" align="alignnone" width="225"]Here he is. A.J.! Here he is![/caption]


1 comment:

  1. Gaan lekker wees om grootman se ontdekkingsreis te volg
